It’s been a while but I thought I should write up a little training recap from my second Marathon! This Marathon was run with Julie!

When Julie said she wanted to run a marathon, I felt that pull to help her and kind of felt like it was time to do it again. I needed something to help get me moving more so I thought Why Not? Ok Maybe I am crazy! My life motto is “No Regrets” so I went for it!

She decided on Rock N Roll New Orleans so we signed up and started thinking about training! Since I usually make my own training plans I made Julie and I training plans. She specifically wanted to be able to use Cycling as cross training and I was starting to swim, so I wanted to make sure cross training was included in our training plan.

I also made each of us vision boards for the race. I love a vision board or sticker chart so this was a must for this training process. (If you want to learn more about vision boards I’m doing a free class on it soon).

Then training started. As we started uping the mileage I started working with Julie on hydration and nutrition. It was exciting to see her conquer her goals with each distance. We did almost all of our long runs on the beach path and Huntington Beach. This made for easy turn around spots!

Julie and I ran around Balboa Island and all the streets one night to see the Christmas Lights!

We even ran a Christmas Half Marathon as part of training.

This time River got to do all of our runs up to just over 16 miles with us. She did great and learned how to better run on the beach path with us! She loved getting to participate this time around!

For our longest run before the race we decided to run from Huntington Beach to the Queen Mary! My mom, sister, and our friend started with us and ran 5 miles before they turned around for their total of 10 miles. We kept going, and going, and going. Finally we could see the Queen Mary and knew we were going to make it! Let me tell you that was a long way!!
Finally we got to the Queen and went straight to Cryotherapy. If you have never done Cryo before you need to try it. This was the best recovery we could have asked for! After we decided to find in New Orleans to do it after the race.

Finally we made it to taper. Taper was great and our biggest concern was getting sick before Race Day!