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Be More Thankful


Lately I have been thinking and praying a lot about thankfulness. I realized that I am not nearly as thankful as I should be. I very rarely stop and thank the Lord. I rarely even thank the Lord for the day.

I have decided that this year I want to be more thankful! The Lord has done so much for me and I don’t act like it. I take advantage of His love and His sacrifice and don’t even thank Him for the simple things. I don’t want to be just thankful and during Thanksgiving. I don’t want to just pray when I need something or things aren’t going right. I don’t want to just be thankful when great things happen. I want to be thankful every day.


Why is it so hard to be thankful? There are so many things to be thankful for. My goal this year is to be thankful every day! I want to wake up every morning with thankfulness on my heart. I want to have an attitude of thankfulness in my life! A few months ago I taught a Bible Study on having a good attitude. It was really convicting to me. I realized through studying for it that attitude is a choice. It is our choice how we will act. It is our choice if we are going to have a bad attitude and “hate” life or have a good attitude and be happy with where the Lord has us. One part of having a good attitude is seeing all the things we have and joys in life. Look at all the things you have to be thankful for and then have a bad attitude. I bet it is a lot harder to hate life and be thankful for the simple things.


So I encourage you to do it as well. Be more thankful. Think of things everyday to be thankful for. Maybe write a list of things that you are thankful for that start with every letter in the alphabet. I have found that makes me more thankful.

When we are more thankful we are able to have a more positive outlook on life and we are able to enjoy life more. What are you thankful for? How can we remember to more thankful?