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There is something about the cold and cloudy weather that is totally unmotivating. Winter always brings the clouds and makes me want to just stay in my PJs and watch movies all day. I want to eat soup and drink tea and never get off the couch or out of bed.

Last week I found myself lacking motivation in everything. I didn’t want to go out and run. I didn’t want to read my bible. I didn’t want to make food or take a shower. I really didn’t want to do anything. Do you find yourself feeling this way?
This week I have decided it’s a new day and a new week and I am going to seek motivation!

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I am going to seek motivation by being thankful. I will thankful that I can read because there are people all over the world that cannot read, people that have never had the opportunity to learn. I will be thankful that I can run. There are people without legs, or with diseases and other problems that make them unable to run or even walk. I will be thankful for food and the ability to buy it and make it; there are people all over the world that would love the opportunity to eat what I can eat. I will be thankful that I have plenty of clothes to wear and that I can get out of bed. There are people that don’t have another change of clothes or a shower to wash in. I am going to do things for those that can’t and think and pray for them while I do it!

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I am going to be motivated by thinking of the future. Sometimes all the motivation you need is thinking of the end result and the future! Will I regret it if I don’t do this today? Will I regret it if I don’t run today? Will I regret it if I don’t do anything today and waste my day? Will I regret it if I don’t read my Bible today? Most of the time the answer is yes I will regret it! I want to be better in the end and therefore I need to start today!

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I will be motivated by knowing that I will feel better after. I always feel better when I get up take a shower and take care of myself. I always feel better after I workout or run. I always feel better after I have eaten healthy instead of crap. I always feel better after I have read in the morning! We know that it will improve our day and we will feel better after. Just remind yourself before and during.


I will be motivated by being accountable. Sometimes the best motivation is knowing that someone is going to check on you and knows when you are cheating! I love working out with other people or running other because I know that they will expect me to be there and I don’t want to disappoint them (sadly I don’t have these people right now). Find someone that you can be accountable to. Some that will ask you how your run went or what you did today. Have someone to talk to about what you are reading in your Bible. Find someone who you can be accountable to and keep yourself accountable. You can all keep me accountable! BTW I have been doing great on my writing challenge although it hasn’t been that long yet:)

What are you unmotivated to do? What are your tips for motivation?

What ever it is, Get up and get out and do it!!



Be More Thankful


Lately I have been thinking and praying a lot about thankfulness. I realized that I am not nearly as thankful as I should be. I very rarely stop and thank the Lord. I rarely even thank the Lord for the day.

I have decided that this year I want to be more thankful! The Lord has done so much for me and I don’t act like it. I take advantage of His love and His sacrifice and don’t even thank Him for the simple things. I don’t want to be just thankful and during Thanksgiving. I don’t want to just pray when I need something or things aren’t going right. I don’t want to just be thankful when great things happen. I want to be thankful every day.


Why is it so hard to be thankful? There are so many things to be thankful for. My goal this year is to be thankful every day! I want to wake up every morning with thankfulness on my heart. I want to have an attitude of thankfulness in my life! A few months ago I taught a Bible Study on having a good attitude. It was really convicting to me. I realized through studying for it that attitude is a choice. It is our choice how we will act. It is our choice if we are going to have a bad attitude and “hate” life or have a good attitude and be happy with where the Lord has us. One part of having a good attitude is seeing all the things we have and joys in life. Look at all the things you have to be thankful for and then have a bad attitude. I bet it is a lot harder to hate life and be thankful for the simple things.


So I encourage you to do it as well. Be more thankful. Think of things everyday to be thankful for. Maybe write a list of things that you are thankful for that start with every letter in the alphabet. I have found that makes me more thankful.

When we are more thankful we are able to have a more positive outlook on life and we are able to enjoy life more. What are you thankful for? How can we remember to more thankful?